TrickyNames - Pricing Plans

Discover the benefits of a paid plan

TrickyNames allows individuals to capture their details for free. We also offer an annual paid plan for companies to get their staff uploaded in bulk.

Pricing Plans

Feature Free plan Paid plan
Added by individual Yes No
Bulk upload by TrickyNames No Yes
Show company name No Yes
Show company logo No Yes
Expires after one year No Yes (see * below)


Number of names Price per name (US$) Handling fee (US$)
From 1 to 20 $1.00 $5.00
From 21 to 100 $0.75 $10.00
From 101 to 1,000 $0.50 $35.00
More than 1,000 $0.50 $40.00

Some examples:

7 names: (7 x $1.00) + $5.00 = $12.00

64 names: (64 x $0.75) + $10.00 = $58.00

580 names: (580 x $0.50) + $35.00 = $325.00

1,200 names: (1200 x $0.50) + $40.00 = $640.00

Here is how it works

The first step is for you to contact us using the "Get a quote" button below. You will be asked to provide a few details.

We will provide you with a quote via email.

If you accept the quote then you provide us with an order.

We will then require you to provide a spreadsheet with only the email addresses of the staff members that you want to load.

We load the email addresses to This will trigger an email to each of those email addresses informing them that they have been added and providing an initial password to them.

We automatically add the company name and logo to each person's page

The people then need to go to, change their password, and update the rest of their details.

We will then invoice you against your order.

Payment to be made using PayPal.

* Please note that profiles created from a paid account will not be automatically deleted after a year, but we recommend that this exercise is repeated to clear out old or unused entries. After a year existing entries will no longer show the company name and logo. We will send out a reminder near the time.

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